sábado, el 17 de agosto de 2013

Buenos noches!!

A quick update...

Max is a little better, but as we put him to bed at 715pm, he looks exhausted and that worries us as he had a fairly tranquilo día...in Max terms.

He is on the meds and due to him actually complaining about his ears (very raro for him to complain), we had to give him some Tylenol as well. Doph.

Our hope is that he does not get too many more of these infections as it would mean he is chronic, and it could also lead to a problem with him becoming resistant to the drugs he is being given.

If it came to needing tubes in his ears, we would have to find out where to get that done, as it would not be here in Huatulco.

Stay tuned.

Hoy, today, due to the ear, there was no alberca o oceano and that makes things interesting. I had it easier as instead of familia swim, off to Che. Bex worked wonders and they went for a long bike ride and a long walk as well. And of course...hola to the mall and the trampolina.

As for the rest of the day, very normal...up at 6am, a prowl, desayunos, Che and then the siesta.

I was at el gimnasio while the familia was on their road trip, and we managed to meet back at the condo for "find the leche" and the usual PM rutina y la cena. Must congratulate Papaloapan...good steaks tonight!!

Currently 715pm and Max is on round one and I am expecting it will be a quick round 2 with The Niño Whisperer.


More of the many expressions from our lil'man.

And then something caught his ojo, eye.

I had to explain to Max that not everyone is awake at 7am.

Max knows the marca, brand, Bimbo, and he says the word when he sees it. Today he wanted me to take a foto of this sign.

Based on the look he has, he too does not know what to make of this.

Max waving adios to a gato.

All these parents were lined up in front of a pre-school, waiting to register their niños.

The update? You know Max is not feeling well when he is lights out in his madre's arms...at 730pm!! We will keep an extra close eye on him and see how mañana goes. If we are not happy with the progress, off to our pediatra on lunes. Stay tuned.

Our domingo? The race is at noon and we have the birthday party for some gemelos (hem-ellos), twins. Based on how tired the lil'man looks, we will plan the rest of the day accordingly. No pool o oceano again...the boys might need to plop themselves in front of the TV and watch the race!!

Have a great domingo.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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