domingo, el 18 de agosto de 2013

Buenos noches!!!

Currently 7pm and Bex has round #1 with the lil’man as it is bed time. And due to wear and tear on his chupys, it might be day one without one. Buen suerte…good luck!!

There has been no internet for the past few hours, so today’s update will probably not have the fotos included. I do have some, so they will be included in mañana’s post.

Tranquilo día, but the lil’man was quite spirited as the day wore on. Keep reading.

Loooong sleep, phew, but still up at 530am. Might have been all the meds, but the lil'man slept from 730pm until 530pm in his cuna, with only a few wakes ups due the need of agua, and the crazy thunder and lightning show we had last night.

Oh it was fresco…all of a sudden the temperature dropped and it was fresh!!

Back to the día. Early prowl and it was brought to you by the palabras, words, “limon” y “pan”.

All Max talked about the whole walk, or at least for the first hour, was limes and bread.

He loves to pick a fresh limon and then smell it, and I think he was hambre, hungry, as he really wanted to get to the panificadora.

Long walk and once at the panificadora…doph…poor selection. Onto the bakery close to the CP complex and we picked up some oh so yummy croissants.

After maybe 30 “hola Max”, including holding hands and walking down the calle with a senora/amiga and her familia, we headed home for another HUGE desayunos.

No pool time, so it was time for a 2nd prowl…and it is hot. I don’t miss the days of a 2nd prowl, even if we miss seeing lots of peeps by only walking at 7am.

But we had a good walk and had some prints made, so we can hand them out to Max’s amigos. Also picked up some hamburger buns and said hola hola to all the amigos at SCA.

Good nap and then when Max woke up, he decided to jump on the bed. No issue, I just told him to watch his head on the wall. Twenty minutes later, after he had stopped crying, Bex and Max went for a prowl.

Oh, why did he cry for 20 minutes? I have NO idea.

I settled in to watch some of the race…and still have 35 laps on the PVR that need to be watched. Good thing the net is down or else I would have probably read who won the race!!

The familia came home for la comida and some race time for the boys. Off for a 2nd prowl. Max’s 4th, and when they came home, it was time to go to this birthday party…and it was wacky!!

Wacky in so many ways. Max was on energy pills by the looks of things. He was soooo ramped up being around all the other niños and the trampolina did not wear him out.

There was some body slamming of the 1 year old niño and some very hard head hugging of the much smaller 1 year old niña.

Max was amped…and we just had to leave.

Just as well. This place is the Play Palace and the party was for the niños of the peeps that run the place. Normally it is full of toys…hello…Play Palace??

But today, for a kids birthday party, the only thing they had was the trampolina. Huh?

How quick did Max get bored? Can you say muy pronto?

Not sure the deets, but the odds are VERY slim that we would have Max’s birthday party there.

We headed home and while Poppa cooked the burgers…hola to prowl#5.

Good eats, long tina, no Ft because Oma y Opa were out…and due to no internet.

And as I said…we are on round one.

Best part of my day? I pick Max up to take him to the camioneta verde and get him loaded up so we can go to this shin dig. For some reason, Max wanted to kiss his padre. And not just one besito.

By the time I got him to the truck, the lil’man had laid a dozen besitos on his Poppa. Score!!

Max lets me give him kisses and I get the odd hug, while besitos are normally reserved for his madre.

Funnest part of my day?

Max scraped his knee and was concerned about it. So much so that we needed a pit stop as he looked at it and compared it to his other knee.

I asked him if he needed a hug and he said no. He pulled up his shorts to show me his scrape and made a puckering motion and noise. Max wanted me to kiss his boo boo better!! Hilarious.

Oh, and it wasn’t one kiss…5 besitos later and we were good to go!!

Currently 830pm and how do I know that Max knows more then 50 words?

Over the past 45 minutes he sang and said each and every one. Bex is in for round #3…stay tuned.

And of course the internet has returned…so here come the fotos.

On the prowl.

If I remember correctly, we spent 15 minutes with this tape.

And another 10 minutes examining the scrape on his knee.

If he likes it, he is not shy to show it and today it was nectarine. Oh Max!!

Yesterday, I saw this tent and chairs had been set up, blocking the exit of a calle onto calle Carrizal.

Early this morning, there were a group of 25 plus peeps who looked like they had spent the night there...along with a coffin. Doph. 

As we passed by, they all left and were headed in a caravan towards the cemetery.

From ayer, after a long day we all have the need to sit around in out lounging gear and just kick back!!

Madre worked her magic and the lil'man is asleep...phew!!

Have a great lunes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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