sábado, el 10 de agosto de 2013

Buenos noches!!

And just when I thought I did not have a blog update, due to the internet being down all day…Telmex got us fired up just a few minutes ago.

But…not much to report.

Due to a super wacky Max sleep, our morning was wacky and thus, no fotos.

Max was awake from 4am until 530am con madre, and then right when I was dreaming about telling Basil “look Basil…”, I woke up and took over.

It took another 15 minutes for The Whisperer to work the magic, and next thing I know, we have been snuggling for over 2 hours…and it is 8am!!

Not the way we like Max to sleep in, but the snugs are always a treat.

No prowl…off to Che!! Hola hola to all of our amigos there and it is now official…we are on our 5th or 6th week without any leche fresca…doph.

After Che we had a late desayunos, but it was only 90 minutes after we had woken up.

The lil’man was hungry and wolfed back some frijoles…he LOVES his beans!!

We managed a familia swim and as Bex was tanquing hm up at 1130am, I was worried there would be siesta issues. Max had only been awake 3.5 hours and normally his siesta comes after he has been awake for up to 6 hours.

But Bex worked her own magic and the lil’man managed a pretty good siesta…as did Bubba!!

Usual afternoon rutinas and Bex said she had a wonderful time with Max while at the playa!!

I had a good workout and then home to get us ready for the dinner…and to find a place to hide the leche!!

Good dinner, quiet tina time due to no FT, and the off to bedtime. And it took a while tonight as Max fought his tiredness.

But after 70 minutes total, lights out and he was plopped into the cuna. Phew.

And you are all caught up!!

Planning on a great AM prowl with lots of fotos…stay tuned.

Have a great domingo.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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