jueves, el 29 de agosto de 2013

Having said hola to his amigo, el bloque de hielo, Max continues his early morning prowl.

Buenos noches!!

Currently 650pm and we are finishing tina time and I am taking this opportunity to get the blog update going, as we have ½ a movie to watch tonight!!

Yup, after all the festivities of ayer, we had a long día y noche and by the time half our movie was done, we were done as well!!

We could not use the Shaw service as we need a high speed internet connection…but we managed to download a movie on iTunes...hola to 5 hours of download time…and using connections to the TV and the stereo…ta-da. Movie nights in the Van-Arnold household!!

And how did Bex’s birthday turn out? Presents in the morning, familia playa time on the afternoon, dinner out and then after Max’s PM rutina, movie time and of course, hola hola to some oh so yummy pastel de chocolate!!

Max and I did not sing Bex happy birthday…but Max’s Oma y Opa sure did via FT!!

And today? Back to the rutinas, including a 530am wake up call and Oma y Opa singing row row row your boat!!. Ja ja ja

8pm and the lil’man is lights out!! On a day I could really use a break…he came through!! Score. I am sure the 40 minutes with madre and the 4 (yes 4) bottles of leche helped!!

Hey, when it is pitch black and you are slowly rocking Max to sleep, how do you know if he is asleep? He will not say “more”, meaning more rocking, if he is asleep!!

Like yesterday, we had a quick AM prowl so we could get home eat desayunos and then get to INM in Santa Cruz. Ayer, we had a quick SC prowl after INM, and then came home for familia swim.

Hoy, it was overcast and a touch cool, so after INM, the boys hit up Che and then came home for the siesta y leche.

And how was INM? Today the security guard made mention that we have lived here a long time. I guess he recognizes us…or maybe it is Max!!

Good news is that ayer the INM agent told us that all the paperwork I had brought in, was correct!! The first time in 4 years!! He only wanted me to add a copy of a phone bill and also pay the $3000 peso fee at the banco and we would be good to go.

Max and I paid the fees ayer…$3000 pesos per person..ouch. Max was so well behaved at both INM, where the senoritas love him, and at Scotiabank, where he roamed around and prowled in his bare feet.

We had to get the phone bill copied, so that is why we returned today. In a week we go back to get our fingerprints taken and then a week after that our cards should arrive in the oficina, via DF.

So after INM, Che and siesta, I was off to el gimnasio and Bex y Max had their mall visit, their comida and then were off to the playa. Yup, el sol came out in time for some beach time!!

We all met at home to search for the leche…I cut a 2 litro Diet Coke bottle, put the leche bottle inside and then duct taped the bottle closed.

Hilarious that Max found it right away, and then took off the cap from the Coke bottle and tried to get the leche out. But when he needs help, he is smart and says “momma” o “poppa”.

Good dinner, good tina time y FT con Oma y Opa and you are caught up.

Onto the fotos.

Not sure how well Max will do in the cold of BC during our January visit. lol

Max y Silverio...who has 3 niños of his own, and loves Max!!

From playa Entrega, 15 minutes from our condo, but by water, just around the corner from playa Santa Cruz.

All those huts are little restaurantes.

Cruise season has started for Huatulco. But most peeps stay in Santa Cruz, not realizing the main city is only a 2 minute cab ride away.

And once in the agua, the niñas come over to say hola hola.

Max really likes to try and swim without his water wings.

And he still loves the olas.

Not too many waves at this playa, as it is really a protected cove. But there was also very little viento and it was HOT!!

Max and his life guard.

Another crowd gathers around.

Later, a senora asked to take Max's picture. Of course she did.

Lots of wooded area around this parque, and this lil'scavenger lives next to the parking lot.

Bex was told it is a mix of an oso, bear, and ant eater. But Bubba the Googler, found out it is called a white nosed coati, an aardvark member of the raccoon family. That would have been wacky to see happen!! Ja ja ja 

Click HERE for more info, and once there, click on the foto.

Here are two more fotos.

Today at INM...our well behaved hijo.

The cleaner at INM wants a foto.

At the SC harbour.

A marina who asked where we were from. When I said Canada, he asked if we were from Vancouver or maybe Victoria. Wow...no one ever mentions those 2 cities when you say Canada. They often say "Quebec?". He had visited both cities while heading norte to Alaska. Not sure what a Mexican marina was doing in Alaska.

Ok, that's all. Off to watch the end of our pelicula.

Have a great viernes y Feliz Cumpleaños to Gayle y James!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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