lunes, el 19 de agosto de 2103

Buenos noches!!! That foto is of Max having a pre-cena FT con his Oma y Opa, and offering his Oma some leche.

Today’s blog update has been brought to you by the word “NO” and the sentence “go for walk”. It was spoken by Max no less then 100 times. Yikes.

Usual día for us and happy to report that it looks like Max’s meds are doing their job. Two more days without the pool or oceano…yikes.

At 10am I took Max out for a 2nd prowl and due to the heat, I was pooped when we returned only 45 minutes later!! Give me back my familia alberca time!!

Up at 545am and the boys were on the prowl as the sun rose.

Long prowl and a huge desayunos before we went back out again. Our mission was to drop off some fotos of Max y some of his amigos, and the peeps that we handed them out to, were thrilled!!! Hello!!

Good siesta, a nice and long one that went smooth, even sin chupy!! Last night’s sleep took a while, but once he was asleep, the lack of chupy was of no concern. Score!!

Usual afternoon…me at the gym and then home for prep, Bex y Max went out on a few prowls and then home for dinner.

Yesterday, Bex scored huge on some of Max’s muscle shirts. He now needs size 4 and we had not been able to find them at the usual tiangus, but yesterday Bex found 8 or 9, some in new colors, all for the low low price of $270 pesos…just over $22 Cdn.

Oh, some things here are SUPER barato. At a restaurante, I can have a bottle of beer with my meal, for $20 pesos, around $1.70 Cdn.

But all that makes up for the crazy expensive CFE, electric bills we have.

All due to losing the subsidy, but our last bill, that I paid today, was $4600 pesos. Ouch…$383 Cdn for 2 meses.

Good news? When we signed our new lease, we managed to get a rent reduction that will help off set the cost of the electric bills. Phew.

Onto the fotos.

Oh, it was an early AM prowl, as you can tell by the rising sun. 

On the 2nd prowl, note the Crocs, and Max y Anna are having some affection time.

Max's eyesight is great, as is his continuing grasp of new words. Today at SCA he says "ladybird" and points.

His current favorite book is about a ladybird and we probably read parts of it 10 times a day.

Poppa coming home from el gimnasio, and Max y madre headed out. Time to say hola to mi hijo and help him with his shoes. The look on his face is because his Poppa corraled him while he was running around.

And then kiss his boo boo's.

Misc foto from my walk home from el gimnasio...Bob's family is waiting patiently for him to be released. Oh Bob.

And here are some fotos from our visit to yesterday's birthday party.

Here are the 1 year old twins.

Max was on the trampolina con madre and once he spotted me holding Marbella, he stormed out of the trampolina and headed straight to his Poppa.

And promptly laid on a head butt/hug.

But Marbella fought back with a little hair pull.

Poppa coralling the lil'man.

But really, who has a kid's birthday party and puts away all toys except the trampolina?

Night #2 without the chupy has started, and it took less time for the lil'man to fall asleep...phew. And all that after asking for it only a few dozen times!!

That's are all up to date.

Mañ to INM to start the process for our next round of immigration cards, the new Residente Temporal tarjetas.

Have a great martes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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