miercoles, el 7 de agosto de 2013

Ok, now do you believe he IS a heart breaker?

Buenos noches!! Not much new to report around here...except a 630am sleep in!! Score!!

What a way to start the AM rutina and it makes a huge difference!! Shorter prowl and then home for a wacky desayunos (nibbled on everything but the yogurt, which he devoured!!) and then off to the alberca for familia swim time.

There we saw a familia from DF, whom we had met a few days ago. Super friendly abuleos, padres y un hijo/nieto.

The boy was slightly older then Max, but the niños got along well and actually last time we saw them, he cried when Max had to leave. Doph.

We chatted them up and said "buen viaje" as they are headed back to DF, via a 16 hour bus trip. Yikes.

But knowing what we paid for our airline tickets to DF and back, I cannot blame them. Mexico City to Vancouver is $680 return, and the one hour flight from Huatulco to DF return, is $310. Wacky.

After the pool it was siesta time and then I was off to el gimnasio and the familia had a prowl, their comida and then off to the Desperate Housewives pool party.

Not Max's cup of Salada, so I don't think that will be happening again anytime soon. That and the lil'niña just cries every time Max comes around...no fun for anyone, especially Max...who looks at his madre every time, with the look of "hey madre, bit*hes be crazy". Ja ja ja

Home, right on time para la cena, hello to some good steaks (finally) from Poopy Loopy, then off to tina time, the FT con Oma y Opa and at 8pm, we are on round one of bed time for Max. Wish us luck!!

The good news? Max fell asleep on his own!! The "not sure if it is good or bad" news? It took a full hour (30 minutos with Bex y 30 con The Whisperer) AND...it was on the bed next to his padre...who stayed awake.

Have we started a bad habit? Stay tuned!!


Just tying the shoes before heading out on the AM prowl.

1, 2, 3...up we go.

Having just had his face tighten, Max went for a run.

Max's new gig...take my lens cap, grab my shirt, wipe the cap off with it, and then replace the lens cap on the camera. Why? Because he has seen his Poppa do it.

Pit stop.

Watch as Max screams out the word. SA...



Yes, that was a Sabritas truck that drove by.

What an easy subject to take fotos of...if you can catch him standing still!!

I am off to el gimnasio and due to the 33,0 grado heat, the very hot familia has returned from the pre-comida prowl.

I always found phone numbers here in Mexico, confusing.

On the side of the Papaloapan meat truck, they advertise their Xalapa (shaah-lapa) store at 01-228-817-51-05.

And their Huatulco location at 01-958-58-7-07-27.

They are both 12 digits, why does one have more hyphens then the other?

Ok, you are caught up. Nothing planned for our jueves...stay tuned.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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