jueves, el primero de agosto de 2013

Buenos noches!!

The great news? No broken bones!! And? He does not look like this...

But close.

Doph y argh. First thing on mañana's to-do list is to get a cita con the dentista and have them look at Max's 2 front teeth.

Ok, here we go. I am sitting on a 1 inch curb, muffin time, and Max is walking behind me, on a flat surface. He falls and I go to pick him up and see that he is really upset...waaay more then normal.

I see a very little cut on his lip and I then think maybe he has done something to his wrist, as he is crying up a storm.

We are close to Los Portales, so we go there and get some hielo and I apply it to his wrist, fearing the worst...a broken wrist.

But he seems to be ok with moving it and he stops crying for a few minutes while I distract him, but then he lights up again.

He wants his momma and that means he is hurt. Yikes. So we make our way back to the condo where I have to wake up one tired Bex and tell her that her hijo has fallen again, and really wants her.

Bex being the great madre that she is, gets him calm and we are both scratching our heads because his wrist looks fine, and he stops crying and then starts up again.

We get him into his highchair so I can start desayunos, and as I help him with a fork full of fruta, I notice some jagged front teeth.

Bex takes a look and confirms it...chipped teeth. No wonder he has been so upset. A "normal" fall and we might have 30 seconds of being upset. This has been 30 minutos...doph.

As I said, good news is that he has no broken bones...and now we will see what is up with his dientes. More good news is that even though he was wacky for most of the día...his boca y dientes did not seem to be bothering him...phew.

But how is Poppa? What an emotional experience. I feel horrible that he felt the pain, and I feel horrible that it happened on my watch. Being a padre for the first time can sure bruise the self confidence when things like this happen.

And it wasn't like he was running around...I do not let that happen anymore..after the previous falls. He was walking behind me and the lil'2 left footer, tripped and I guess the hands did not make it out in time.

So I guess I really cannot let him even walk alone...and he hates holding hands right now. Back to the parenting drawing board eh?

But if he is truly his padre's hijo...there might be a lot more in store. Let's run down his padre's list...in as much a chronological order as I can remember. 

-stitches in forehead from running into a bricked corner
-stitches in my ear after jumping on a sofa and landing on a glass ashtray
-bloody head after a brick fell on it...kids throwing bricks into trees to knock chestnuts down
-cutting wood in bare feet...axe between the toes...stitches
-broken thumb during an ice hockey game
-hematoma caused by a motorcycle crash
-2 broken noses...caused by other people...surgery one time
-knee surgery needed after a skydiving accident
-emergency appendectomy
-surgery to repair a hernia 
-torn rotator cuff due to snow boarding
-broken collar bone due to another motorcycle crash

And I turned out ok...didn't I? Ja ja ja

As for the rest of the día?

Wacky desayunos, a great familia swim, a wacky and short siesta and then Bex took over. There was a wacky prowl, a pit stop at home, and then due to some wackiness, instead of lunch, it was off to the mall and the tramploina.

After the mall, home for a wacky lunch and then things returned to normal when the two of them hit the playa.

I had a good session at the gym, the wrist is holding up and I am slowly returning to lifting some weights. After the gym it was off to SCA to buy some spics for the new dish...costillas de cerdo, pork short ribs.

Dinner was just about ready when the familia rolled in and the ribs passed inspection. Phew. Easy clean up, a FT con Oma y Opa and then off to leche time and bedtime.

Currently 730pm and we are early...having some success with Max getting to sleep early and waking up later...stay tuned.

Time for The Whisperer to go in and close the show...wish me luck.

Score!! Lil'man was pooped and almost asleep when I came in. Transfer from madre to padre and then after a few minutes...plop into the cuna!!

So at 8pm...all is tranquilo!!


As we started the AM prowl, Max pointed to these pescado and then pointed at the camera. For whatever reason, he wanted this foto and here it is for all of you.

I have no idea why.

Mr Skinny...and I still have no idea why.

If you saw a grown man, looking like this and running down the street...what would you think?

Performance artist?


The show being over...time for a sit.

Hello Senor Gato.

I wonder if his ears are ticklish like mine?

Gato...can you hear me? I am screaming at you.

Post desayunos and we get a little mochila, knapsack, fashion show before pool time.

And as Max waits for his parents, time for a little reading.

A sign we saw on our walk. 

It is for a new mariposa, butterfly, parque. Click HERE for more information.

Spanish lesson for the día.

The sign has a doble sentido, double meaning. Koly is the name of the proprietor, baños are washrooms and Casa de Huespedes...Guest House. So the washrooms are Koly's guest house? Naaah...they also rent rooms.

Ok, you are caught up.

Wish us luck at the dentista...stay tuned.

Hasta mañana...and stay tuned for julio's weather numbers!!

Marco, Bexico y Max 

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