Saturday October 29, 2011

Ok…read this story.

Bubba’s rules for Mexico.

#1…do not go ANYWHERE with a new “amigo” if they drive a better vehicle then you, live in a swank casa or like to eat out at fancy restaurants

And today’s addition to the rules?

#2…do not hit a pedestrian and then throw them in the back of your truck and drive around town!!!

That guy has ruined it for all of us!! Ja ja ja

Tranquilo Saturday here in North Vancouver….great burgers though!!

El gimnasio, Bexico did a walk around downtown and then we chilled this afternoon…possibly our last quiet Saturday afternoon for a few years?

She is finishing up some revisions on her final contract and then it is time to take a niño break.

Mañana? Hello to biscuits and sausages para el desayuno….then onto some NFL and the Nascar race. Tough Sunday!!

As for last year, it looks like we were learning about Dia de los Muertos.

Have a great Sunday.

Marco y Bexico

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