Saturday October 8, 2011

Guess who had one cold while away for a year in Mexico, and managed to get one within 2 weeks of being back in Vancouver? Yup…yo…me!! Argh.

What an interesting day…at least for me it was.

How about ANOTHER car headed down a one way street in the wrong direction? And this time I was walking and could see that the VERY old lady driving the car was in need of help. Bubba to the rescue. Stopped some traffic, got her backed up and headed in the right direction. And then she drove down Robson and made an illegal left onto Granville!! Ja ja ja

And Helpful Bubba’s day continued. Helping chorty peeps getting a package of bread crumbs down from the top shelf and as a couple were about to leave the Stupid Store, making sure they did not leave their Visa card behind in the cc machine. The hombre was VERY thankful. I could do good deeds all day…makes you just feel good.

And on the good deals vein, how about a rough looking young man who runs the hot dog cart outside the London Drugs at Georgia and Granville!! He leaves his cart unattended to help escort a blind lady across Georgia Street. I told him “good job” as I walked by him.

Here are some fotos!!!

Don’t they look great!! And check out the new foot wear!!

And from last night, some typical cloud cover here in Van.

No skin off my…hey did you know circumcisions are deemed non-essential so they are not covered by the provincial government?

What a people watching day. Gotta love Vancouver and Robson Street. First off…I DO NOT miss the smokers who walk down the street and puff into my breathing space.

But I do miss seeing the Asian guys in purple shoes, wearing a Gucci track suit and carrying a Coco Chanel man purse!!

Ok Vancouver…I might not be the most fashion forward (even though desert boots are making a comeback and I NEVER gave up on them), but come on!! Stop wearing those UGGGGGGHs with leggings or leggings and rain boots.

Misc…bought some flash cards for niño. This kid will be able to count to 20 in ingles y español waaaay ahead of schedule. Just kidding…no pressure on niño o niña!!!

Ok…what else did we do today? Bexico accomplished another workout and has been super busy with work. She has a few more nibbles on job offers as well!!

Me? El gimnasio and some strolling around downtown. Picked up a great plastic dish for niño and a good read called Eat, Sleep, Poop. Covers all the bases!! Ja ja ja

Another great read via mis padres? Gringos in Paradise.

Bexico and I could have written this book!! It is hilarious how many items in our blog mirror what these two went through several years ago.

Off to the Bay to pick up another Canada shirt…proud to wear those in Huatulco…and then off to Stupid Store for some cold meds.

Came home and lugged in the snowboard gear from storage. Just getting ready for an early diciembre day at Mt Baker and then hopefully 2 days at Whistler!! Great to have our storage almost down to the 5’x5’ locker and the blue bins just make it that much easier to fit everything in and to transport some items back to Huatulco.

Did I tell you shaving cream is double the cost in Huatulco? As are bandaids?

Hanging on the couch, watched the end of the Nationwide race and now tuning into the baseball while awaiting the arrival of the McCain French fries!!

Email? Sent off a list of questions to the mid wife group and either they will answer them over the weekend, or will answer them when we get together next week. 4-1-1…4-1-1…4 minutes apart, 1 minute long and lasting for 1 hour…4-1-1…4-1-1!! Ja ja ja

Ok, time for fries and then hello to some big burgers!!

Hope your sábado was a good one.

Hasta manaña.

Marco y Bexico

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