viernes, el 8 de marzo de 2013

Buenos noches!!

Not much new to report here. It was another early morning and we ended the AM rutina with a siesta that was not as long as madre y padre would have liked. Doph.

And a short siesta can lead to a tired niño, and that it did. Max was not his happy go lucky self while at the playa con madre…doph. It is a curious thing to see him go from happy to upset without us seeing what caused it.

Another curiosity? Hiccups. Max had them before his siesta and we know he cannot fall asleep with the hiccups, but they will not stop until he falls asleep. So my question is, what is it like to be awake and hiccuping and then have them stop and be instantly asleep? Or does Max fall asleep and then the hiccups stop?

Back to the día. While the familia was at the playa, I was at el gimnasio and after a workout, I saw mi amigo y mecanico, Tony. He asked about the gas mileage on the camioneta and I told him the bad news…no improvement.

So I will head back to his taller next week and have him look at the O2 sensors and clean the fuel injectors. I should also have the gomas by then and will see if he can install them.

Tony news? He has applied for a US work visa. He has family in North Carolina y Connecticut and want to see if he can head north to make some good $$, and hopefully bring his familia up after he has settled.

I wished him luck and it sounds as though he will need it, as there is a ton of paper work and Embassy visits, first in Oaxaca and eventually in DF.

On the way home I grabbed some bollos for mañana’s trip to Mojon, and then spent some time in the sun before heading up to set us up.

Great cena, quesadillas de pollo y chorizo, but wow, what a lot of work to prep for it!! Found some mozzarella at Che and used that instead of quesilllo and it made a big difference!!

Max made it through another dinner and tina time, and pulled his ear to say hola to his Oma when we had another FT together. In another week, Max will be able to say hola to his otro abuelos in person, as they arrive proximo sábado!!

The Whisperer was needed to close the show, but it wasn’t hard…nothing like trying to get Max back to sleep after he woke up during the siesta…which I had NO success at!!

Pulled out his chupy, we chatted about the día, two tanque ups of agua and he was lights out!! Knock on wood!!

I jinxed it!! Seconds after that paragraph was typed, Max needed his chupy back!! Lol

But he is lights out again…all good.

Fotos? I realize they are all Max fotos more often then not…thanks for appreciating them. We need to do a road trip to parts unexplored so you can all see more of this country we are currently living in. Stay tuned!!

But for now, here are some more Max fotos. Enjoy.

The Party Palace...Max is all about emptying the bins.

A little rest before we head out for our walk.

Today's fashion show!!

Our muy curioso niño.

Ahhh, the tienda de bicis!!

Max has discovered that if he moves the llanta, the whole bici moves.

Next up, the horn.

The test drive over, Max tells me he will take this one...but needs un chofer, a driver. Oh Max!!

Mañana I hope to have some good Mojon fotos to share!!

Buen fin de semana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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