martes, el 19 de marzo de 2013

Buenos noches!!

This day disappeared very quick...not sure where it went. 

I do know that Max had a good sleep and the boys had a good desayunos session...phew!!

No walk today...Che run!! No scores...doph. But the boys had fun and Max was into checking out EVERYTHING I bought. I had to give it to him before it went into the cart!!

Madre took the first half of Max's siesta while I showed the Arnold's around La Crucecita. No Max with me today, but that didn't stop a dozen or so peeps from saying hola...and asking where Max was!!

I took the 2nd half of the siesta and managed a very quick cat nap of my own. And after the siesta was over? Off to Mojon!!

And it was a hot one there today!! So hot that we set up the sombrilla on the playa so that madre y Max would have some sombra while playing.

Good boogey board olas and nice to kick back and relax under our palapa.

After a few hours it was time to hit the road and when we came home it was alberca time followed by la cena and the PM rutina.

The Whisperer helped Max rid himself of the hiccups and after that...lights out!! He has already stirred 3's hoping that ends or else it could be a loooong night.


Aaaaah. Home sweet home.

The hombre with the camera has been spotted!!

Check out these turtle tracks.

The turtle came up to the brick wall, took a left and crawled for a while, laid it's eggs and then circled around and went back to the oceano.

Mañana? El gimnasio and maybe take the camioneta in for a wash. I found some corrosion under the mat in the bed of the truck, so I need to get it cleaned out and then figure out what the next step is. The truck is starting to show it's age...doph.

Have a great miercoles!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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