jueves, el 14 de marzo de 2013

Hola mis amigos!!

Tonight the lil'man was lights out...on the leche bottle...at 7pm. That is great news...until we see how late he sleeps in mañana!! Wish us luck.

He was pooped because he had another great day!!

It started with last night's sleep and we have been lucky lately in the fact that Max is pretty much staying asleep, and in his cuna, from 11pm until 530-6am.

I had the night shift and at 6am we leched up and then lounged around until 7am. Then it was off to the Party Palace and the AM rutina started. I must say...not enjoying the desayunos sessions lately. 

Max has been picky with what he eats, and in what order he eats it. We go for the fruta y Cheerios first because if we start with huevos or other items, we might never get to the fruta.

But he sometimes wants none of the fruit, even though he might have loved them all ayer. So my job is to mix it up and keep him interested. Lately that means putting his food right onto the highchair and bypassing the plato. Doph.

So after 45 minutes, we are done eating. Then it is onto cleaning Max, brushing his dientes and then cleaning up the cocina. And then? Catch my breath and get both of us ready for the AM walk. 

When Max sees me put on my go out shorts, he knows the walk is near. So that means the shorts are the last thing I do or else there is a lot of banging on the door!!

A great walk and then a great siesta and then madre y Max had a great afternoon on a very windy playa!! Mucho viento today, but it was still a scorcher.

I hit the gym and then grabbed some carne from Papaloapan before heading home and having some time in the sol.

While the familia was out for a walk, padre set us up para la cena and the PM rutina. After dinner and the tina FT con Oma y Opa, off to bounce on the bed and then lights out. And you are all caught up.


On the other side of the fence, our camioneta verde is parked. Max takes his truck personally and is standing guard.

A little too big, but this is one tough trike for when the time comes!!

From the walk to el gimnasio....bins for sale on the side of the calle.

Tough gig...selling garlic door to door.

If you see these hombres walking around town...

You know the mother ship is close by.

Friday is upon us again. Nothing special planned for mañana, unless you call a to Nissan y Che special. Hey...maybe they will have some leche fresca in stock!!

Have a great viernes!!

I jinxed it. Max awoke at 830pm and so far we are on 15 minutes of trying to get to him back to sleep. Doph.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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