lunes, el 16 de diciembre de 2013

Ahhhh...the look of the 620am riser!! Of course he was also up from 445-515am, but hey, 620am? Score!!

The reason for the smile? I was laughing that Max would NOT choque Ricardo, the security guard at the gate, but when a complete stranger walked through the gates, Max went straight up to him and insisted he give Max knuckles.

Poor Ricardo...but it made Max and I laugh!!

At 445am there was a request for I grabbed some leche, pit stopped a panale and then went into rock mode. The leche was finished and in the dark, I thought Max was asleep.

I put him on the recamara and 1 minute later he was sitting up, looking at me.

I gave him the options...sleep in bed with me, or back in the cuna.

Now, I figured there was going to be some wrassling as I tried to get him to sleep...but stop the presses!!

The lil'man lays down next to me, throws it in reverse...spoon position, and promptly digs his feet into my legs, and falls asleep!

Huh? I was in shock...but promptly fell asleep!! Of course I snugs!!

A great morning...short video time, good prowl, good desayunos, tranquilo time, familia swim time and then upstairs for leche y siesta time.

Great siesta...2 hours long with a little break in the middle. Some rocking and the boys were back the manly "spooning" position. Score!!

Post siesta, Tom Tractor came out...and I was outta here!! Off to el gimnasio and then on the way home, some shopping. I picked up a little Mexican BBQ for $80 pesos (down from $95) and then lugged it around town as I sussed out some treats for the familia in Vancouver.

Then is was off to get some more Santa Max cards printed and then home to clean up and start the pollo para la cena.

Post siesta, the devil tractor video came out, and after their comida with boca gaping open (only Max's), the familia was off to the playa...of course they were!!

They came home in time for pre-cena leche, with not one, but 2 new Hotwheel style cars. Huh? So the story goes that Max lost a car down the manhole...before they even left the CP grounds for the playa.

So they pit stopped at Che and bought a replacement car. And where did that one go? Adios in the olas of playa Santa Cruz!! So on the way home...pit stop at Sorianas and now Max has 2 new trucks. Oh Max!!

Good eats for dinner, Madonna dance party, FT con Oma y Opa and then off to tina time. And how was bed time? Phew...not a repeat of last night!!

A couple of Poppa's made up stories, The 3 Bum Kissing Tiburons at Playa Santa Cruz and Max's new favorito, Harry Hormiga, and then plopped into the cuna...lights out. Last words of the día..."manos", but he was too drowsy to be serious...phew.

Currently 825pm, an hour earlier then ayer, and as Max sleeps, Bex is hard at work in the oficina and as I am typing away, I keep an ojo on the monitor and one on the News.

Onto the fotos.

Pre-prowl, and Max is very concerned about the palomas flying around.

And when I told him that the palomas on the ground were there to find things to eat...Señor Muy Curio went in for a closer look.

And then an even closer look.

And then decided it was break time.

Peepin Max?

Crossing the parking lot has become like crossing the calle. Much safer as we now do "manos".

Always a pit stop at the guard's gate to see who is working.

Read my lips...pasas por favor!!

Good tunes coming out of the Herbalife store.

I think Max has seen more then he expected to.

It left him with a definite lift, as he danced down the calle.

Not much else to report. With the plan being a Mojon afternoon on miercoles, we are going to try something new and use the new BBQ and eat our cena at the playa. That way we are not in a rush to come home, clean up, cook and then get Max onto the PM rutina.

Now we will only be in a hurry to get him home, into the tina and onto bed...and then clean up. Ja ja ja

But seriously, I am looking forward to a little BBQ on the playa, a test run for our NYE celebrations!!

Mañana...Feliz Cumpleaños to Señor Rick y mi sobrino, Eric!!

That's all...hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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