jueves, el 12 de diciembre de 2013

Not sure who, but someone is getting the evil ojo from lil'Max Van!!

Buenos noches y welcome to blog post #1201!!!

A great jueves for the Van-Arnolds. The usual kind of day...early start, long prowl, huge desayunos and then leche y siesta (only 90 minutes or so...doph).

Oh yeah..how about them very LOUD fireworks they set off at 530am?? All to mark the last días of the Virgen de Guadalupe celebrations.

Post siesta, Bubba hit the gym and then a few errands on the way home, and the familia hit the playa, where they unintentionally started a swim competition with a mother of 2 from the USA. I guess she saw Max swimming without aids, and started making her kids try to do better. A true telenovela I am told!!

But they came home with the first prize ribbon as Max took that when he was body surfing with the incoming olas!!

Leche and then they were off for a quick pre-cena prowl.

Super good Bubba quesadillas de pollo for dinner, easy clean up, some JibJab time, FT con Oma y Opa that of course included the Madonna dance party, and then off to tina time.

Currently 720pm and round 1 is under way...onto the fotos.

With a look like this, and with the tongue already out, you know something is up.

Looks like someone found some madera while Poppa was taking down the basura.

Martial arts anyone?

Time to limber up before the prowl really starts.

Peek a boo...Max Van style.

Now you see him behind the counter of the ferretería.

Now you don't.

Hey senorita, como se llama?

Excuse me, I am talking to the lady!!

You were saying?

Poppa...they only speak español.

Todo bien...hablo español!!

Ok, I have kept a burrito warm on the exhaust manifold of the camioneta verde, but I have never seen a moto drive up, pop the seat and start serving hot meat y tortillas.

The coolers were packing Cokes. Oh course they were!!

Max was intrigued by the perro with 10 nipples.

Lots of piñatas de Navidad are now available.

On my way home from el gimnaiso y errands, I passed the iglesia and heard a banda playing. I went up and sure enough, there were lots of peeps having a late afternoon fiesta.

This is all about the Virgen de Guadalupe celebrations, and under the tent, they were also feeding people for free.

And in the front of the iglesia, they were setting up a huge fireworks display, set to go off in 30 minutes from now, 9pm.

And look at the size of this Virgen de Guadalupe that will light up!!

Ok, here is another sign, similar to the last one I posted.

I stopped into Gabriels and chatted up Daniel. He tells me that "acarreadores" comes from the root of the verbo cargar, to load. They are peeps that herd up tourists and take them directly to certain tiendas, stores.

I guess that is against the law...but I could not understand why. If the same person just tells peeps where to shop, or points them in the direction of a store, that is ok. Still confusing if you ask me.

Some misc...

Possibly the best Rob Ford parody I have seen, courtesy of Jimmy Kimmel.

Allergies are killing me...cactus must be blooming.

Ok, you are all caught up!!

Mañana? Che viernes!! Oh Max is excited!!

Have a great Friday.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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