November 4, 2011...915pm.
4 de noviembre de 2013...715am....pointing at a smoke stack or a large Corona display bottle.
Feliz Cumpleaños a nuestro hijo!!
It's Max's birthday, but I always make sure I give a shout out to his madre...who carried him for 9 months and then went through labour with NO drogas from 4am to 9pm...only to have an emergency C-section at 915pm. She was a trooper the whole time!! Momma, muchos gracias por nuestro hijo!!
Buenos días!! Bex is working on getting Max to take his siesta...I have seen 3 bottles make their way into the recamara, and moments ago I heard an unhappy he must be close to lights out. Oh Max.
Our power is scheduled to be out from 4-6pm, so I am taking some time to start the update...and watch the PVR'd race!! Only 42 laps to go. Max and I sat down this morning and watched a few laps as all I kept hearing was "race Sunday, race Sunday". No complaints from Poppa!! And yes, as promised, I did lay down on the couch last night, watched some of the race...and fell asleep. Oh Bubba!!
11am, Max is asleep and I have moved into the siesta cave!! Hey, I just turned off the race and the TV was set to Global telecast from City Hall. Any opinions on Mayor Ford and his apology?
An early morning for the birthday boy...y his madre. I took over at 645am'ish and we hung out until 715am. A long prowl and we spent lots of time chatting up Max's amigos, and handing out the leftover postres, penguinos.
The best interaction? Two niños, one maybe 10 and his hermano, maybe 6, and they were selling bolsas of naranjas.
The 6 years old had no shoes, dirty ropa and a cut on his head. He was lugging a 5 kilo bolsa of oranges. His brother was pushing a large wheelbarrow full of these 5 kilo bolsas.
I have seen them around town for the past few days and I see their padre y camion full of oranges, every day I walk to el gimnasio.
Their current life does not seem to include any schooling, only walking around town trying to sell these oranges.
Before anyone starts complaining about their own life, I would think about what it would be like to spend a day in theirs.
We did not need any oranges and they walked away. We caught up and I asked then for a moment and proceeded to let them know about Max's birthday and then asked if their rancho was in the estado of Vera Cruz. They looked surprised that a gringo (in their eyes) would know this.
Max gave them a plastic bag with 2 postre in it and they seemed confused and unsure. I talked to the older boy and after a few minutes he understood. We were walking away when the older niño said "señor", and I turned around. His hermano menor was giving Max an orange. Max said gracias and adios and off we went.
Makes you think.
The otro postres went to Max's trabajadore amigos, the gang at Papaloapan and his amigos at Los Portales.
Fun story? We have met a senorita who seems to be tending a walk in that we will not be going to...yikes.
Anyway, she is a nice senorita and when we see her, she says hola to Max. Today we walk by and after she says hola and Max says "no", I mention to her that it is his cumpleaños.
She looks at me surprised, asks me "¿serio?" and I reply "¿si, por que?". It turns out that her hija turns 2 today as well!! Small world. Maybe next year we have a fiesta doble and see how the Mexicanos really throw one of these things!!
That's all for today...the rest of the update will come tonight.
As for ayer...before I forget...we ended the day at Il Rigoletti and had pizza for la cena. Max was a handful, but it was a good dinner and nice not to have to cook after the fiesta.
The fiesta ran long, but all good as we were having a great time. We thought maybe 50 peeps would come, and it turned out to be about 30. But it was 30 peeps we really enjoy, so it was a fun time.
Nice to see all the CP trabajadores show up, familias in tow. I am fairly sure this was the first fiesta for a 2 year old Canadian niño that they had been to, but they looked like they were having fun, and the Coronas helped!!
Domingo is family day for most "workers", so having them take time out to come to the fiesta was appreciated and I made sure they knew that. Some of them live 45 minutes away and had to pay for a cab o collectivo...muchos gracis por venir.
Bex had done great job with decorating and organizing and we did not blow the budget. The peeps we seem to know, do not drink much beer, they are more into the flavored aguas y Coca Colas. Can you believe we pay $1.60 CDN for a bottle of beer in a restaurante, same for Coke. Coca light? $2.50 CDN...I stuck to the Coronas!!
The fiesta started at 2pm, 3pm Mexican most peeps run late, and Bex went to the playa at 1pm to have us all set up. My job? Sleep with the lil'man and then feed him lunch, change him and get him to the fiesta...a word he is aware of.
Due to the 6am wake up on domingo, Max was not asleep until 1130am...doph. And for the first time in a long time, he was having a restless siesta. He was sitting up at 12 noon, and after a few minutes I managed to get him back to sleep.
Then he was again sitting up at 1245pm and I knew this was waaaay too early and without enough sleep, the afternoon would be adventurous. But this time, it took some work on the part of The Niño Whisperer. Some singing and unwanted rocking, all the while he is blinking and squinting his eyes, trying to stay awake, and after 10 minutes, he was out again. Phew.
I was up at 115pm and as Max slept, I got myself ready. It looked like it would be a change and go situation...comida at the playa.
And at 145pm Max finally stirred, looked confused that his Poppa was not next to him, and shook the cobwebs out of his chinos.
He was such a trooper and we loaded up and jumped into the camioneta verde and headed to the playa. Along the way I keep reminding him about the fiesta and that was why we were wearing "go for walk" clothes, vs beach clothes.
We get to the palapa, not many peeps there yet, and Max is visibly digesting what a fiesta is. It took 5 seconds and he kicked off his Crocs and as ready to eat some comida, grab a nieve from Max and then start playing.
And for essentially 2.5 hours, that is what he did. Play with niños, go for a swim con his madre and spend some time putting on the Max show for the adultos.
Super well behaved and that made for a super fun and relaxing afternoon. Score!!
We had a normal Sunday morning, and with a 6am wake up, we even managed to fit in a familia swim. are caught up for ayer, yesterday, and for the start of today. Time for Poppa to have some hijo snugs...hasta pronto.
Buenos tardes!! And with the power due to be out from 4-6pm, we figured it would be hot in the condo for our usual 530pm dinner (cooked in the gas powered stove). So Bex y Max left right before 4pm and will be back at 6pm.
And at 440pm...the power is still on. Doph. The best government agency I have dealt with in Mexico, has been CFE, the electric commission. So I am not sure what is going on, but if the power does go out, it better be back on at 6pm because it will be obscura...dark. Stay tuned.
So with the power on, there was only one thing to do. Clean the casa, getting it ready for la cena, and then sit down and watch the last of the race. Score!! Only 2 more races in this season's schedule...I think Max might miss the racing, but will take a shining to futbol, American style!!
How was the siesta? Oh it was good!! Max slept right through and when he awoke, we talked about his sorpresa (fyi....I never spell that word correctly) and off to the living room we went.
We turned on the FT, dialed up Oma y Opa and then Max started opening his regalos. We were surprised to receive some things from peeps that cannot afford it, and we will make sure they know how happy Max was.
And what came from Oma y Opa? You might recall they bought something from Amazon and it went from California to Ohio to Mexico City to Oaxaca to Huatulco to Oaxaca to Mexico City to Oaxaca and finally was delivered to Max here in Huatulco. Doph.
Max received a great wooden truck and while in the Party Palace, that is all he has been playing with. Muchos gracias Oma y Opa.
Post regalos it was comida time and then the familia had a super long swim in the smoke shrouded alberca, while Bubba hit the gym to work off some Coronas y Penguinos!!
We bumped into each other at the condo as they were headed to the trampolina at the mall and then some prowling around town. And you are again all caught up.
Onto the fotos.
From hoy, today, and Max's first prowl as a 2 year old, is about to begin.
From 2 blocks away, we heard Max's trabajadore amigos yell out Happy Birthday y Feliz Cumpleaños.
There were 15 or more today, and Max went up to each and every one of them and choque'd them. They know Max gets a HUGE smile and buries his head in my lap...every time they say "bikini" or "boobies" and they seem to get a huge kick out of that.
We saw this gato ayer, and Max remembered the spot and started looking around and continually saying gato, gato. I spotted it and this foto kept Max happy...even though he wanted to go "arriba", up, to el gato.
This gato was looking down from the second floor.
We had stopped outside this building to give the Coca Cola delivery guys (more amigos of Max) a postre, and they had a good 10 minute chuckle watching Max figure out how he was going to get to el gato, and while there was a lot of meowing and squirming from the cat, as it tried to figure out how it was going to get down and say hola to Max.
The tires help keep the tin roof down during rainy y viento season, and in the background is an old-school concreto cisterna for agua. Now a days they use plastico.
Fotos from Sunday morning.
Max y Pooh...watching a Pooh 630am.
Thunder Down Under...pole dancing Max!!
Pirate Jack..."Poppa...foto".
At next year's someone to take fotos so Poppa can enjoy his beer...and you can see more then 2 fotos!!
The palapa at the playa.
Some of Bex's decorations. Max loved the globos, balloons!!
Ok, time to prep la cena. I will close this up after tina time.
Hasta pronto.
Ok, 715pm and round one of bedtime is under way. Not bad for eating la cena at 6pm vs 530pm. And no, CFE never arrived so we will have to through this again (maybe) sometime in the near future.
Nothing else to report...the familia had a great 2 hour prowl and came back hambre y cansado, hungry and tired. Max ate a huge dinner and the full belly should help him sleep esta noche...knock on madera.
Have a great martes y hasta mañana.
Marco, Bexico y Max
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