Off to find the parade.
Buenos tardes!! A bit of a wacky is 145pm and I have already been to el gimnasio. Huh? Read on.
We had a good 825pm bed time and a good noche with a 1030pm pee break. A solid night of sleep and up for good at 605am.
Leche and then videos at 630am and off to the Palacio at 715am. We ate some fruta and I waited until I heard the parade start up and then off we went.
Max loves marching in parades, so I told him I had a sorpresa for him and when we were out and he saw the parade, he asked me for his "treat". He thought his surprise was a treat and that seemed to dampen the excitement.
We did a little watching, a little marching and then we sat our butts on a curb and had a little more watching.
We headed home and Max thought it was the end of our usual prowl, and he wanted to go to the alberca.
Lo siento mi hijo, but we skipped most of desayunos so we could go watch the parade. Upstairs and we finished our fruta, un huveo and some pan.
And at 940am our rutina changed!! Bex has been sourcing out a new school for Max and today was the day for the two of them to go check it out.
This was her 3rd visit to them...they seem to be accommodating but are not making it easy. Visit #1 was about finding the place and seeing what they offered. We were happy to find out that they will allow us to come in with Max for the first few times, helping him get accustomed to the place.
Visit #2 was to drop off copies of Max's birth certificate as well as show them his health cartilla. A few more questions as well as a few more requirements from them.
Today was going to be day #1 for Max, but they were asked to come back on lunes and chat it up with the director. ¿Por que? Because we are again a special circumstance as we are only looking for Max to attend 3 times a week for 1-1.5 hours per day.
The school is used to niños being there for 20 hours/week and the cost is $2000/month. We do not want to pay for 80 hours when we will use only 12-15. The señora Bex has been dealing with agrees, but it is not her decision to to see the director!!
We will see how it goes because we are really looking for a place for Max to play with otro niños, and not a place that is getting him ready for school, which almost all niños here start at age 4. Full on school at age 4...even if it is only for 4 hours a day.
Stay tuned.
So, with Bex y Max out of the house, due to return at 1130am, I was off to el gimnasio. A so so work out...I have too many stiff joints and muscles right now. Not sure why.
I came home to find the familia in the alberca and to find out about the familia's school but some trampolina jumping in the mall instead.
I headed upstairs and the familia followed shortly after. Some leche y libro and then off for siesta time, up at 110pm.
Cooking and comida and we found out that Max does not like one Tractor Tom video due to the noise a cow makes when it is being milked. Hmmmm? We watched a few on YouTube, but that did not change his mind.
And now, the familia is headed off to the playa and Poppa has himself some tranquilo time!!
All caught up...onto the fotos!!
Out the door we went, but we did not make it too far. Hello...hole in ground!!
We found the start of the parade, and played it cool in the sombra.
And at 818am sharp, el Día de la Revolución defile, parade, comenzó.
Not sure...maybe she was actually at The Revolution?
The Mexican sonrisa on display.

Which Señor Max seems to have mastered!!
Not as much as in past years, but there was some güero marching!!
Post gym, I found mi familia in the CP alberca.
Up up and away.
Max, making his best friend laugh.
Ok, back at you post tina time.
Hasta pronto!!
Buenos noches!! Wow...what a lazy a** afternoon I had!! I managed to drag my butt off the banco to go buy the verdura for tomorrow's pico de gallo, grab some huevos at SCA and stock up on some Coca Light.
I have been trying to kick the Coca Light addiction I have, and have been doing well over the past 3 weeks. A 600ml bottle on miercoles when we are at playa Mojon, and then a 2 litro bottle on domingo pasado during the last race of the season. But...I broke down today and bought another 2 litros of oh so refreshing Coca Light. Maybe it was because it was a stinking hot día?
How will I fare mañana? Stay tuned.
The familia had a great tine at playa Santa Cruz and were home at 5pm for leche y videos. La cena at 530pm and Max ate a healthy plateful and then after one video, The Boys were out for a bici tour.
Zoom zoom at the escuela and Max "Evel Knievel" Van was taking some sharp corners...and bailed. Some tears at the time, but everything became emotional after that...and at 711pm I hear him blubbering away in the tina. Yikes.
One emotional guy...we managed to go look for Polly and even though we did a pee break before the ride, the pee dance came out and it looks like Max has tourettes, but does not want to go pee.
Enough was enough and off to a dark corner in the zocalo and down came the shorts and out came Niagara Falls. Instant relief and no more dancing, but as we rode by some peeps who said hola, Max breaks down crying and says he does not want to say hola to anyone.
We chat it up and I remind him that peeps may say hola, but he does not need to say hola back if he does not want to, but he does not need to bawl every time.
And right about then, someone else said hola and the tears flowed again. Lil'man was tired...he walked home grumbling and I carried the bici.
The only smile came when we saw some brand new llantas chained to a poste and he was allowed to touch them for a few minutos.
Home to blubber to his madre, into tina and we are about to head to leche and maybe straight to bed. Stay tuned.
All caught up...wish us luck.
Have a great viernes y hasta mañana.
Marco, Bexico y Max
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