martes, el 27 de noviembre de 2012

Hola y buenos noches.

Domingo…el Diablo was in town, ayer our lil’guy was back and today? The lil’guy was in great spirits and was very spirited…but was not into eating his desayunos…or sleeping. But nothing new about sleeping as he has always hated sleeping.

Some new things in the World of Max…he had some stranger anxiety today…first time I have seen that. What else? A new molar is peeking through his gums and that caused some discomfort today and only minutes ago we gave him some codine…naaaah. Just checking to see if you were paying attention. It was niño Tylenol we gave him.

The día? Oh it was early again, but we managed to finish the AM rutina and had a waaaay too short of a nap.

Madre, oh thank you madre, took over and I flopped asleep on the couch for 45 minutes. I was awoken by the kitchen timer as I had to get up to meet Roman.

The Mojon meet went well and we are meeting again on viernes to ensure he is crystal clear about all the changes before he goes back to the hombres that draw up the plans.

Another kick at the plans allows us to see the final costs and then Bex and I will review and ensure we are good to go. We talked about it tonight and are pretty fired up as it would be VERY fun and the idea of having income come in via both Bex working and a rental is good as well. Stay tuned.

Rest of the día? El gimnasio y Che and then pool time with Max while madre took a “break” and worked on revamping Max’s palace…for the 99th time!! Ja ja ja

I worked on la cena while Max y madre took a walk and mid PM rutina we had a visit from Jay y Crista. Nice chat and they got to see us in full PM rutina action!!

Some fotos?

Toight, toight like a tiger!!

Here Max's name is being yelled out by an hombre Max has met many times before.

Moments after this next foto was taken, Max's stranger anxiety took over and he ran to me and grabbed my legs. First time I have experienced this with him.

Oh Max, not in front of the iglesia!! Ja ja ja not litter...OR walk on the grass!!

Mañana? More Klondike (solitaire on my iPod) ja ja ja and more of our usual rutina.

Before I hit the gym, I dropped the camioneta off for an exterior wash and was greeted by Hector…I know this because he was wearing a hotel uniform with a name tag.

Now I had met Hector the last time I had the truck washed and he remembered my name and at the time, of course, had asked about Max.

Nice to get quoted the local’s precio…$30 pesos ($2.25 Cdn) for the exterior only. And better yet? After it was washed, he dropped it off for me at el gimnasio. Great service deserved and received una propina…tip.

Scores at Che? Croutons y cerdo lomo. Oh the life of living in a small town.

Glad we were watching Global News!! We saw a news piece about some abuelos being denied onto their flight to Mexico, because they were trying to fly with their nietos and did not have a permission to travel letter translated and notarized. Doph.

Now when Bex y Max flew down in diciembre 2011, we had a letter and fotocopies of my pasaporte etc, but nothing notarized. We are going to have a letter done here and expect that should be enough or Bex y Max to leave Mexico, get entry into Canada and then return to Huatulco. Stay tuned!!

Ok, have a great miercoles.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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