viernes, el 8 de abril de 2011

Howdy all…viernes has come and is almost gone. Buen fin de semana!!

El gimnsaio was a-ok…their fridge is fixed and water was selling like crazy. Nothing exciting there but some good chats with the gang there.

Fotos from today.

Hola gato negro.

What happened over there? Why the yellow tape?


I was climbing the mango tree and was on the branch when it cracked and fell to the ground. 

It is now behind tape because we worry about the rama de arbol falling on someone.

Oh gato negro!!

When I walked by this morning, the grounds crew was working on getting the rama de arbol (tree branch) chopped up and removed. What made me laugh was that while the dos hombres were busy on the tree, the senorita was busy collecting the 50 or so mangos that had come down with the rama.

Only other foto from today was taken while Bexico and I were on our veggie y fruit run.

This hombre works HARD…in 40 degree heat.

This hombre is pushing a handcart loaded with a bed frame, a mesita, a shelf and a chest of drawers.

As for the rest of the day, it included another walk through town despues de gimnasio (and later one with Bex) and alberca time. Not much else going on. I did ask a Mexican hombre if it was necessary to smoke while he was IN the pool. But I used my spanglish and have now looked up the correct phrase…puedes por favor el humo fuera de la aberca.

As for Bexcio, she has been requested to provide a 3rd sample and if all goes well, they will discuss the new project.

Good news is that YES she is getting paid for all the samples!!

Fin de semana? Mañana will be el gimnasio, Che, alberca time and then NASCAR!! Domingo will be hash para desayunos and then we are headed to Mojon. Cena de los domingos…chili. Mucho siento Bitts y Bono.

I forgot to tell you a story from our last trip to Mojon. We were headed home and saw an hombre on the way up the 2km dirt road to the highway. We pulled over and asked if he would like a ride. He got in and we ended up giving Carlos, a father of 3 who works in construction doing some framing, a ride to the Copalita. He was a “chorty” as we like to call smaller peeps, and was very thankful for the ride, even saying gracias when we let him out.

Spreading the Canadian hospitality via one Mexican at a time!!

9pm here and the pool is officially closed. ¿Porque? No se. Probably too many parties and the condo buildings do surround the pool. Shhhh… secreto…it is so calor, Bexico and I go for a quiet dip before we hit the sack. Soooo refreshing.

Mojon will be great for that…dip in the pool whenever, or a swim in the ocean and finish both off with a fresh water shower outside!!

Buen fin de semana all!!

Marcos y Bexico

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