Awww...nothing is cuter then a niño hugging a roll of paper towel!!
Buenos noches and welcome to the last update of septiembre 2013.
A successful day and it started with a good night's sleep for the lil'man...up at 5am, but with only one wake up during the night. For Max, and us, that is a successful night!!
Madre had the night shift and when Poppa woke up, she was deep into her early morning rutina with the lil'man. Books, fotos, videos and lego blocks.
We tucked in madre for some more sleep, and the boys waited for the day break to happen so we could start our prowl.
It was going to be a sunny morning, so with a familia swim in mind, we had our prowl and headed home for another huge desayunos and then some PP tranquilo time.
Nice swim and then leche time and another long siesta. Happy that Max is getting the sleep he needs, even if it is coming in 2 blocks.
Bex ensured I didn't sleep the afternoon away with the lil'man and I got ready for my afternoon rutina...el gimnasio, hide the leche and get the casa set up for dinner and the PM rutina.
After Max woke up, the familia had their comida and Bex changed up the afternoon for the two of them.
No playa and no Play Palace, but instead it was an afternoon of prowling around centro, using the stroller as both something for Max to push, and to catch a ride in, if he was pooped out.
We met back for leche and then a quick pre-cena prowl. It was hot...but Max is a blast to take around town and he was super well behaved when we prowled the tienda de importaciones...the dollar store.
Great dinner, easy tina time, hola to mis padres and then off to bed. It was a long session, but Max finally fell asleep, holding his Poppa's mano through the bars of the cuna, as his Poppa lay on the floor singing and humming Gilligan!!
At 925pm, the condo is tranquilo as Bex is working upstairs, Bubba has finished the News and watches both some MNF and a pelicula, and the lil'man is dreaming about all the numbers he can now say in ingles y español.
Onto the fotos.
El sol was making an appearance as we started our prowl.
As you can tell by the next 3 fotos, getting Max to look at the camera, can be a chore.
But get him a stoop and a limon, and a foto is bound to occur.
We saw this volcho, Bug, parked on the calle.
Spanish lesson for the day. Masoterapia.
The rest of the sign is self explanatory...masaje, massages.
Max spotted el sol in the logo, and made sure his Poppa saw it too.
Now, later in the day I wanted to check the translation of word masoterapia, as I know the palabras, words, masage y terapia. So I Googled it and this is what I came up with.
Oh, Comfort Kagaroo massage therapy?
Post pan pit-stop and the lil'man is in charge of the bolsa.
During desayunos, Max became VERY attached to the roll of paper towel, and the pictures of elefantes on the packaging.
And you are all caught up.
Mañana? Oh, it is the beginning of the new month...time for September's weather recap!!
Have a great martes y Feliz Cumpleaños to mi hermana!!
Marco, Bexico y Max
Oh was tranquilo domingo and we were all very laid back.
And how did the sleep training go? Well, the positive is that Max slept all the way from 830pm until 315am...uninterrupted!! The area of opportunity was that at 530am, he sat up and said "done...videos".
Doph. But with a 315am wake up, that was resolved very quickly via singing, I knew 630am was out of reach.
So, the usual 530am rutina happened and by the time it was light out, we were more then prepared for our prowl. Good news was that it was going to be a sunny morning, so that means we will be home by 830am, eat desayunos and be in the alberca by 1015am or so.
And like clock work...ta da.
Good walk, huge desayunos, some Party Palace tranquilo time and then off to the pool.
Nice swim and then it was back upstairs for leche and a very long siesta!! 530am wake ups will do that to a lil'man...and his Poppa!!
Good thing the race was on the PVR!!
After we woke up, I changed Max's panale and this is usually done with some reluctance on his part. But on race day I can make it easy peasy and today I told him I had something good to whisper whisper in his ear.
I whispered that there was a race on the television and he let out a scream, scrambled off the bed, ran to the couch and got both remote controls, grabbed my glasses for me and then pointed to the TV and sad race. Score!!
So we started the race, Max hopped onto his Poppa and the boys settled in for some Nascar!! Vida es buena!!
We all ate our comida and then the familia packed up and hit the playa. I had a few tranquilo hours to watch the race and get us set up for dinner and the PM rutina.
Home for leche and Max's first "time out". He handled it well, almost too well, and I hope we don't have too many more of those to deal fun.
Dinner...reggianno pollo...and then off to tina time, FT and then bed time.
Not sure of this is a señale, sign, or not, but at 745pm, Max y Bex have been on round one for 45 minutos and they just came out for Max's 4th bottle of leche. Oh oh. Stay tuned.
Mean while...onto the fotos.
After insisting we brought the sun glasses so he could wear them, they quickly became a neck accessory and then something for Poppa to carry in his bolsa/bolsillo, pocket.
Max decided it was too frio for hielo.
Cheerio pit stop.
A few misc fotos from ayer.
Crates of mangos.
A trabajadore, worker.
Don't be fooled by the ceiling fans in mi gimnasio. Galdino, the owner, is too cheap to ever turn them on!!
Ok, bed time wasn't too bad. No rocking, lots of singing, and within 30 minutes Max was lights out and then plopped into his cuna...with one belly very full of leche!! Oh, and bottle #4 was a stall tactic!! Oh Max!!
You are all caught up. Off to watch the News and maybe grab some Sunday night NFL!!
Bex has Max watch tonight...hoping his sleep training has paid off...buen suerte!!
Hasta mañana!!
Marco, Bexico y Max
Well, with a subject like that, even my new "so-so" camera can produce excellent results. No?
Buenos noches!!
Well...we had one of our most successful nights yet...and knock on wood, we are starting a trend!!
A bit longer to fall asleep, and still needing the presence of his Poppa, but with no rocking!! We had one wake up at 11pm and another at 1am, and both were resolved with some singing.
One last wake up at 4am and it was the perfect time to flop him onto the colchone and sing him to sleep. And the next thing we both was 635am. Score!!
Wow, does that ever make a difference in Poppa's energy level!! ja ja ja
And with el sol poking through the darkness, we did not have much tome for videos or Party Palace time, before we raced out the door for our prowl.
A sunny morning was coming our way...hola hola familia swim time!! So with the swim in mind, and with knowledge of a 635am wake up, the plan was to prowl until 9am or so, eat desayunos, hang in the Party Palace while Max does some "business", and then off to the alberca.
Great walk and we experimented with the camera. It is truly more of a point and shoot and not as many available adjustments as I would like, but it will be a-ok until we are back in Van and can buy a new DSLR.
Huge desayunos and the topper was pan frances which are on one plato and cut up into 2 different size pieces...Max y Bubba size. We take turn dip dipping and Max almost gets all of my pieces into my boca...some on my chin and some on my cheek. Oh Max!!
Tranquilo swim time...I have not seen anyone in the pool for months. That will all change soon as the peeps from Canada will start arriving in the next few weeks and we should be in the full swing of pool smokers by November. Hola hola Mojon!!
After the swim, it was a few bottles of leche...the next habit we are going to have to change...bottles...and then it was siesta time.
Madre slid in and took over for Bubba and I was off to get ready for el gimnasio. Good thing madre took over...Max slept for another 30 minutos!!
The familia had their comida and then spent the rest of the afternoon at the playa, and Bubba hit the gym and then came home to set us up for the PM rutina, and cook some oh so yummy meatballs for dinner. And yes, Max can now say "meatball".
Good dinner, easy tina time, hola hola to Oma y Opa and then off to bed time. Currently 720pm and round one is in progress and The Whisperer will take over in 15 minutes.
Onto the fotos from the new camera.
Still working on the camera settings...a little dark and fuzzy, but it is Max wondering why I am using this tiny camera vs the big one.
With the time change of the sun rising, we will start to apply sunscreen and bring out the lil'mans lentes de sol.
Max has spotted "people", as he calls them, he does not know, and is making a bee-line for his Poppa's legs.
Do niñas want to climb things as well? Or is it just the niños?
Misc fotos from the prowl. La luna seen through some electric wires.
Dos niños, whose job to support the familia, is to sell tostados.
El perro.
A sign that business might not be good in Huatulco.
A for rent sign on a popular Gringo hang out.
Looking up into a palma, palm tree.
Again, working on the settings, but it is a blurry bee's nest.
Familia pool time and the lil'man is proudly showing off that he is a Canadian.
Mi familia!!
Post-swim and the lil'tigre is making a break for the condo.
This is how slow the camera is...I took these fotos as quick as a I could and look how fast Max came upon me.
And we end the blog with one more mas.
Ok, you are caught up. Race day domingo and we will see what else comes our way.
Have a great Sunday y hasta mañana.
Marco, Bexico y Max
Buenos noches mis amigos!!
Super, super cheap beer in cameras...not so much!! I picked up a little Sony unit and found out I paid around $900 pesos more, or almost $80 Cdn, then I would have paid if I bought it at Future Shop in North Van...AND had paid the taxes. Doph.
But no point in grumbling about it...please send all new camera donations care of this blog. Ja ja ja.
Onto the día. A very good night and that makes 3 in a row. No rocking, and Max even woke up once on the bed and fell asleep again due to a little singing from his Poppa.
A 520am wake up, but Bubba managed to squeeze another 25 minutos of sleep, by holding him in my arms. Tougher to do as he approaches 14 kilos.
So at 545am, out comes the leche and then the Mac and we watched some videos. Off to the Party Palace while we wait for el sol to rise, and then it is time for the prowl.
Nice prowl with lots of "hola holas" and many peeps waving from the Coca Cola and Gas Oaxaca camions...all amigos of Max.
Thrilled that Max now grabs our hands before we cross the calle and if you ask him ¿por que?, he will say "cars". As the hombre at Coppel said...super inteligente!! More on that later.
Home for huge desayunos and due to the late return, no tiempo for Che. But instead...hola hola to familia swim!!
Follow that up with leche and a great siesta, and that takes us to almost 2pm again!!
Me? I was given siesta relief (it is a tough at 130pm and got ready for el gimnasio, Fonatur for recycling, Coppel for camera browsing, and ending the afternoon with a Che run. Phew...busy afternoon!!
Max y madre had their comida and were on their way to Playa Chahue and its alberca. But before they could get on the bici for the ride there, Max let it be known that he wanted to push the bici, not ride on it.
Normally this lasts a few minutes and is a short distance. Today it lasted all the way to Che...where he spotted the camioneta verde and wanted to go find his Poppa. How far is Che? A 20 minute walk for adultos and much longer for a lil'man.
Max y madre could not find me in Che...but they found me next door in Coppel!! And it was the best part of my day to be in Coppel, talking cameras with the salesman, when mi hijo comes prowling up to me!! Score!!
Thrilled to show my familia off and after Max put on another of his español demonstrations, this is when the Coppel hombre called Max "super-inteligente"!!
They said hola, gave Poppa an abrazo y besito and were on their way. I managed to buy a camera...and it only took an hour or so.
I took some time to compare what they had available, but then I had to go next door to Che to use their cajero automatico, ATM, to get some cash. Muy caro when paying by cash...muy muy caro if paying by credit card.
After returning, one last look to confirm what I was buying, and then we went to the service counter to look for a camera (huh?). Back to the displays to ask if I wanted to buy a memory card, ahhh no, and then back to the service counter to pay the caja, cashier.
I slide down the counter and give my receipt to an hombre who rummages around and finds my camera. Then we open the box and go through every piece t ensure they are all there. I sign the bill, he stamps it and an hour later, I am out the door.
Big Che run and by the time I am back in the camioneta...I am late!!
Hurry home and get the pollo in the oven, start getting the casa ready for la cena y the PM rutina, and then manage to out away the groceries.
We are a full 30 minutes later then normal for dinner, but Bex kept the lil'man happy and after la cena, we managed to make up the time and actually started bed time, on time. Score.
Not a quick bed time...but no rocking at least. And at 9pm, Max is asleep, Bex is in the oficina and Bubba is trying to get this update posted, so he can watch some News and then hit the sack!!
But before that...the Canon T1i gave me one more tormented day...and it allowed me these fotos. Oh, it wasn't easy, but they were worth the work!!
Max showing off his 2-pack to Ricardo.
Hey...what's this? A finger?
Poppa look, it's Marciano being tonto!!
All the hombres that work at the CP, have seen Max growing up, and treat him very well...including being silly with him.
Off to the construction parking lot next door, where Max starts his inspections.
Llantas and then brake lights.
And with some zip in his we go.
Hit the brakes....there is always time to smell some flowers!!
Yes, there was some sol this morning.
Max was a very determined prowler today. Keep up, or he left you in his dust.
But, he will always stop to make sure he hasn't gotten too far ahead of you.
Pit stop to satisfy some more curiosity.
Zocalo prowl became a hustle to the kiosko when Max spotted a ton of globos, balloons.
Mid-pan, Max gets up off his butt and chases down this cart and helps push it down the calle.
The senora pushing it was concerned that Max was so far from his padre. I assured her it was all a-ok and they prowled a little bit farther before they said adios and I said gracias.
Ok, that was our day. Hoping to have the new camera up and running for mañana...stay tuned!!
Have a great weekend and don't forget the race is on domingo at 1pm Hux time!!
Hasta mañana.
Marco, Bexico y Max